Brendon Munge
Brendon Munge is a Lecturer at the University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) in Queensland, Australia. He specialises in Recreation and Outdoor Environmental Studies and is the Program Coordinator for both the Bachelor and Diploma of Recreation and Outdoor Environmental Studies.
Brendon strongly focuses on foundational knowledge and experience for new students in outdoor and environmental studies. His teaching often involves using expeditions, particularly bushwalking, to engage students in outdoor education. He has been recognised with a Higher Education Academy Fellowship for his scholarship of teaching with evidence-informed practice and several teaching awards.
In addition to his teaching, Brendon has a breadth of research interests, including fieldwork pedagogies in higher education, near-peer teaching in outdoor and environmental education, threshold concepts for outdoor education graduates, weather knowledge and interpretation, and outdoor educators as occupational athletes.
Recently, through work with colleagues, he has coined the phrase “beneficial burden” aligned with outdoor education and learning.
He has also been involved in internationalizing students’ experiences through programs like the New Colombo Project, which includes taking students to Singapore and Cambodia for immersive outdoor learning.