OFFSEAS Conference Scholarship

To ensure that OFFSEAS is supporting its mission to “promote and enhance outdoor learning and education” we are offering a scholarship program supported by conference sponsors. The purpose of the program is to allow those with demonstrated financial need to get high-quality professional learning & networking opportunities. We hope in doing so we are working to make the world a more inclusive and equitable place.

What is Offered

Main Conference admission ticket to OFFSEAS 2025 on 26-27 April 2025 at Bangkok Patana School, Thailand.


Individuals who live and work in low-income, lower-middle-income, or upper-middle-income countries or territories and who also have a financial need.

  • Applicable low- and middle-income countries/territories generally, with minor exceptions, follow World Bank classifications.
    • Low-income economies: GNI per capita of $1,135 or less
    • Lower-middle-income economies: GNI per capita between $1,136 and $4,465
    • Upper-middle-income economies: GNI per capita between $4,466 and $13,845
    • High-income economies: GNI per capita of $13,846 or more

The OFFSEAS Scholarship is intended for professionals working in the outdoor/experiential field either as a provider or at a school. Financial need is demonstrated through a statement that the organization with which the applicant is professionally affiliated is of very limited financial capacity, such that it would be unable to include the full conference fees in its budget. Small nonprofit (charitable) organizations generally fit this criteria. Organizations with more than 50 full- or part-time (including seasonal) employees, an annual budget exceeding USD 1 million, or who serve higher-end clientele (e.g. as with private/international schools and high-end travel/tourism operators) generally will not be eligible.

General Notes

  • Eligibility is based on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Scholarship places are limited to those provided by the organizer (21st Century Learning) and those provided by sponsors
  • The scholarship provides a 100% free ticket to the main conference (26-27 April 2025) only, not for pre-conferences, social events, hotels, transport, or any other fees. 
  • Scholarship places cannot be transferred
  • Scholarship places will be decided by the OFFSEAS committee and 21st Century Learning and decisions are final.

Credit to Jeff Baierlein of Vivistar for the inspiration and design of this program.

Application Form

OFFSEAS Scholarship Form


The nominator can be from a OFFSEAS Sponsor, but cannot nominate someone i their own organization


The nominee works for or am otherwise professionally affiliated with an outdoor/experiential program, which has very limited financial capacity, to the extent that it is unable to include the full tuition amount in its budget.
The nominee works for an organization whose primary focus is on improving access to outdoor or experiential programs by members of groups who currently experience or previously experienced systemic barriers to access on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ability or race