You’re Invited to Dinner: The Power of Storytelling, and How You Can Get the Most Out Of Your Teams

Kate Johnston

Kate Johnston

Outdoor Education Specialist, UWCSEA

This is a presentation about the importance of creating inclusive spaces within the world of Outdoor Education. Framed through the idea of a dinner party and inviting everyone to the table, we will look at the why it’s important to create spaces where people can show up as themselves. I feel like people are becoming disillusioned by the idea of inclusion, seeing it as tokenistic, or as a judgement of their characters. It is not. This talk/workshop would aim to reframe inclusion through the lens of understanding individuals and their stories. By creating spaces where the individuals on our teams can show up as their authentic selves, not only can we get the best versions of them, but we in turn create spaces that allow our students to do the same.

About Kate

Kate is an Outdoor Education Specialist working at UWCSEA where she is currently the Grade 6 coordinator, organising programmes for around 600 students. She has experience in the industry going back 20 years, first as a student, then instructor, and now coordinator. As an International School Alumni, and having been exposed to trips much like the ones she now organises, she is in a unique position to know what it’s like to be one of our students. With a background in Anthropology, Sociology and Education, she feels that Outdoor Education Programmes provide the best canvas for people to learn about themselves, and is passionate about creating spaces for the next generation of students and Outdoor Edders to bloom.