An Example of How to Embed Outdoor Adventurous Activities into a PE Curriculum

Simon Atkinson

Simon Atkinson

Head of Whole School PE and Director of Sport, St Andrews International School Green Valley

Within this presentation the aim is to share ideas and examples of how to effectively embed Outdoor Adventurous Activities into the PE curriculum in a what that compliments the schools context and student demographic.

Taken from over 14years experience of delivering OAA units of work and programs within educational settings , both within urban and rural areas this presentation will explore ideas, provide examples, the purpose of this presentation is to share tried and tested ideas, methods and resources to support the delivery of OAA in PE curriculums.

One such method will be the exploration of enthusing students and increasing interest and engage through the metacognitive approach to OAA sessions using both conceptual and thematic approaches to teaching contextual survival skills.

About Simon

I am on a mission to inspire a generation and ensure all young people have the opportunity and support to fall in love with movement and activity through the development of positive, purposeful, and meaningful curriculums enriched by outstanding extra-curricular provision and community links.

I believe it is our responsibility as educators and leaders in schools to ensure Sport, Games, PE and Outdoor Education is accessible to all, by providing the highest academic and non-academic standards for all and by taking every opportunity to challenge every student’s core characteristics, values and attributes which support students to achieve in life, far beyond that which they ever believed possible.

I am an experienced, accomplished and celebrated leader, teacher, instructor and elite level coach in the field of Sport and Physical Education. I am experienced in delivering high standards and proven to consistently exceed targets and expectations in both school and community sport settings.

My goal is very simple – I want to make a difference and leave a lasting impact. I am a passionate teacher and leader, who enjoys working with different people within different cultures and supporting them through their journey in any way that I can.

“Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”